Legal English “Peter’s Pills”: Damage vs Damages

Settimo appuntamento con il video-corso di inglese giuridico promosso da Federnotizie in collaborazione con Confprofessioni e Beprof

Nuovo appuntamento con “Peter’s Pills“, la rubrica online di Legal English by Federnotizie (la rivista online di Federnotai), in collaborazione con Confprofessioni e Beprof. La settima video-lezione “Damage vs Damages” è disponibile sul sito, sui canali social e sul sito di Confprofessioni e sulla app Beprof, scaricabile da App Store e Google Play.







Hello! Today we look at damage vs damages.
These are two totally different concepts and, first of all, you need to know that damages is not the plural of damage. Secondly, damage (danno/danni) is used mainly in General English to mean destruction or harm or loss in value of something.  Thirdly, damage is uncountable. We cannot cay “one damage, two damages, three damages”.
This means that we say “much damage”, or “damage is”, or “damage was”
So, for example, we can say:
  • There was a lot of damage (molti danni) to the structure.
  • The damage (i danni) that the hail (grandine) caused is severe.



Moving on the damages, we need to note first of all that damages is a plural word, with no singular form, and takes the plural verb. Secondly, damages is used in Legal English and not in General English to mean the the money compensation for loss or injury caused by the wrongful act of another. Or, more simply, damages (il risarcimento del danno) refers to the money that we have to pay to someone for doing something wrong. This means that when we cause damage (danni) to someone, we have to pay damages (il risarcimento del danno).
 So, for example, we can say:
  • Damages were awarded by the court to the claimant (attore).
  • Damages are to be paid to the company for the harm caused to its reputation.
Thank you very much and see you next time for more Peter’s Pills to improve your Legal English!
See what types of damages can be awarded by a court in a common law country here: